For years I have always thought that I would start making the notes, start taking the pictures, keep the journal, record the thoughts. . . whatever it was that I needed to do to write my book or create my story.
And so, we traveled Mexico, started and closed our RV Caravan business, we moved to the tiny, desert town of Ajo in southern Arizona, we bought our house in Mexico and remodeled it and added on.
And each time, I think. . . I shoulda, woulda, coulda!
But I never DID!
So my stories stay in my head and with the passing of time they get somewhat vague.
Or forgotten.
Or exaggerated.
But, this time, I am going to do it.
I'm almost finished raising my family. . . (Just a few more years, huh Braden?)
And, I am living here in Northern Mexico (Puerto Penasco) on the edge of the Sea of Cortes and I am going to slow down just enough to REALLY take the time to record my "future history".
This time I will write it down.
A few months ago, I discovered Altered Couture Magazine.
I love this magazine. catering to the whimsy of Redesign!
(The details of this story are for another day (well, on another page...) But I once found a pair of musty drapes hanging on an old metal hanger in a dark corner of a thrift store in Ajo, Arizona. I took them home, cut off the pleats and lining, laundered the fabric until is was soft and designed what I like to call my "Scarlett O'Hara Dress"!)
This magazine offers a challenge to its readers.
And, I am going to enter this challenge.
The submission deadline is September 15, 2010 for the issue to be released in February 2011.
So stick with me! Follow my progress! And let's see if I can possibly get published!
How cool would that be??
Here is the challenge guidelines (from the website):
Got 20 bucks? Then you qualify for this challenge:
1. Visit a thrift store and purchase a complete outfit for no more than $20.
2. Take “before” photos of the outfit.
3. Alter the outfit a la Altered Couture so that it transforms into an art-to-wear outfit.
4. Write a brief description about the experience.
5. Submit the photos, altered outfit and description.