Our Photo Website is: www.bazarnam.site.shutterfly.com * On this website you will find a section has photo albums, stories, articles and some family favorite recipes.
I also have a Monday "Travel Photo of the Week" that I send out. It is a fun Travel Photo with a highlight of Penasco and a Thought for the Week! Sign up below to receive it each Monday:
Pondering Pool: My Very Favorite Website of all Time!
Collect My Tatters (Pondering Pool)
"I'll collect my tatters, the perfect pieces of me and match them together in an informal pattern just to suggest myself. Then I can start the welding process, and in a short breath, I'll be fine." ~ The Pondering Pool
"Her solitary life grew unappealing. Embracing isolation gained her a well-insulated cage and although it was decorated with sweet marvels and mishaps, baubles and beads, it bore little resemblance to the magnificent palace she had imagined. Her sensuous curves slackened, her glitter dulled, and twelve of her favorite hand motions piled up and froze in wait. Even she was confused by this gesture." You MUST Visit: www.ponderingpool.com